About the NIDV

The Netherlands Industries for Defence and Security (NIDV) links companies, knowledge institutions, and the government within the Netherlands. Since being founded in 1984 by the ministries of Economic Affairs and Climate, Foreign Affairs, Defence, and industry partners, the NIDV ensures the sustainable positioning of the Dutch defence and security sector both at home and abroad. The NIDV acts as information provider, advocate and service provider for the Dutch Defence and security sector.

Established by government

As a foundation, the NIDV is unique and the only branch organization co-founded by the government itself.  The mission of the NIDV is to sustainably position Dutch companies that provide products and services in the field of national and international security towards national and international end-users and OEMs. The NIDV promotes the involvement of its participants in the design, development, production, maintenance, and resale of old equipment, plus related services. Where possible, it involves companies with (innovative) concepts relevant to public safety in its activities.

The NIDV regularly organizes meetings and webinars and events. We enable procurement agencies, (foreign) governments, and international partners to a platform where they can explain new and ongoing projects, developments, business, and network opportunities. At annual NIDV Exhibition Defence & Security (NEDS) with respresentatives and companies from the Netherlands and abroad. The event is a unique meeting place for government, knowledge institutions, and the business sector, where space is also made available for young, innovative companies.



As a non-profit organization, the NIDV is happy to provide openness about its activities.

As it is a foundation, the NIDV is managed by a board consisting of representatives of its participants with an independent chair. Membership of the NIDV is open to all companies, knowledge institutions, and universities that have (parts) of their value chain.

The NIDV is funded by a fixed, annual, and scaled contribution from its participants.

What we do

Internationally, the NIDV is an entryway into the Dutch industry for security and defence, which offers world-leading products and technologies for an attractive price. Moreover, the NIDV, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, and the Ministry of Defence support international cooperation and business opportunities both in the Netherlands and abroad.