You are cordially invited to attend the NCIA meets NLD Industry, organised by the NATO Communications and Information Agency and NIDV on October 16th. This gathering aims to foster collaboration between the Agency and the Dutch industry.

As NATO’s principal agency for information technology and communications, the NCIA plays a crucial role in ensuring the Alliance’s technological superiority. The agency provides essential IT and communication services, manage critical infrastructure, and develop innovative solutions to support NATO’s operations and decision-making.

The event will offer a valuable platform to explore the NCIA’s organization, acquisition processes, and current priorities. The program will feature presentations and discussions on the NCIA’s structure, procurement procedures, and the specific areas where we are seeking new partnerships and technological advancements to address the evolving challenges faced by the NATO Alliance.

We are keen to organise this event to connect with industry and explore potential collaborations. By attending, you will have the chance to network with NCIA representatives, learn about our upcoming opportunities, and discover how your company can become a valuable partner to NATO.


The working language will be English.


 14:00: Arrival and Registration

  • 14.30: Welcome and NCI Agency Introduction: Overview of the NCI Agency and its role within NATO.
  • 15.25: Break
  • 15.40: How to do business with the NCI Agency: Process and Requirements for collaborating with the Agency.
  • 16.25: Presentation on the NCI Agency’s business portfolio and technology priorities. TBC
  • 17.00: End of the Event

All the sessions will include a Q&A which will help the participants to better understand the Agency and the related process.



Participation is free of charge. Due to NATO Security Regulations registration closes 2 October 2024, close of business. Late registrations will not be accepted!

 For more information and to register, please visit the website.

We look forward to welcome you.

The overall security classification of the conference is NATO UNCLASSIFIED.

Please note that taking photographs on NATO premises IS NOT ALLOWED.

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